Charlotte Van Houtven

Charlotte Van Houtven is from Chapel Hill, NC and majored in Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. While at Wake, she worked for Phillip Brown in medical device design prototyping at the Center for Injury Biomechanics, a joint graduate program between the Virginia Tech College of Engineering and the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Charlotte’s favorite project during her time at Wake Engineering is the Sensing the City Project in EGR 111: Intro to Engineering Thinking and Practices, where she worked with stakeholders to study certain aspects of the city using sensors. Another course that Charlotte found to help cultivate her passions was EGR 312: Computational Modeling in Engineering, part of this course is to learn how to implement numerical analysis through the use of the MATLAB coding program. This class and it’s training helped her gain more experience in the practice of different program knowledge and her problem solving skills.
Outside of the Engineering Department, Charlotte was involved in Greek life as a member of Wake Forest University’s Chi Omega Chapter of the National Panhellenic Conference. On top of this, she was also involved in the Student Association for the Advancement of Refugees (SAFAR) and Club Lacrosse. Additionally due to the flexibility of the Engineering Program at Wake Forest, Charlotte was able to study abroad through the International Education of Students (IES) Program in Vienna, Austria. Charlotte’s plans after graduation are to begin working as a Digital Engineering Associate Consultant at the management consulting company CAPCO.