Hannah Grimm

Hannah Grimm is from Charlotte, North Carolina and is interested in Environmental and Civil Engineering. She has always been interested in sustainability and has been able to hone in on this passion through Wake Engineering. During her time in the Engineering Department, she worked on a summer research project with Dr. Di Vittorio on Water Quality Research of High Rock Lake and Lake Katherine. She is continuing the project this semester by modeling the High Rock Lake watershed to determine changes that can be made to improve the water quality. She found this to be her most treasurable experience because this was her first time doing research and Dr. Di Vittorio became a mentor for her. Along with this, Hannah became a TA for Dr. Di Vittorio’s EGR 324: Hydrologic and Hydraulic class. This research provided her with memorable experiences and techniques and she found it to be an opportunity to apply the technical knowledge gained in classes to a tangible context.
While at Wake, Hannah took advantage of the Engineering Department’s flexibility and studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark on Sustainable Development. Hannah believes that learning about sustainability in a different country really puts into perspective how important individual action is and how individual action can form a collective response once people really start to care about something. Outside of class, Hannah was involved in Greeks Go Green and was a shift leader for WFU’s Campus Kitchen, a student organization that gathers and repurposes food that would otherwise have gone to waste. She also worked as an Automation Intern for Parkdale Mills where she worked on increasing the plant efficiency of the cotton mill. Hannah is currently applying to law schools and intends to study Intellectual Property.