Jacob Safee

Jacob (Jake) Safee is from Tampa, FL and majored in Engineering with Math and Economics minors. Jake’s interest in Engineering lies primarily with wanting to develop his knowledge and problem solving to understand businesses systematically. Learning about different ways to approach problems and developing an analytical mind set has been crucial to his transition into a more business directed career. Additionally one of his favorite subjects in the Engineering curriculum has been materials science. The Wake Forest Engineering Department has helped him cultivate this passion for materials through the capstone project and classes such as EGR 212: Transportation Phenomena, EGR 111: Intro to Engineering Thinking and Practices, and EGR 112: Intro to Engineering Measurement and Analysis. One of Jake’s favorite memories include working on the chair project in EGR 111 where he was able to meet his fellow peers in the program during his first semester. “The event of meeting people who I see as friends today is always memorable” he shares.
Due to the flexibility of Wake Forest University’s Engineering Program, Jake was able to study abroad at WFU/Barcelona: Business & Global Studies. During his time at Wake Forest, he was involved in the Kappa Alpha Order chapter at Wake where he hosted and participated in multiple service related events. Additionally, he has spent time volunteering in the “Rise and Shine” program, a STEM-educational camp for kids ranging in ages from 6-14. He was also on the philanthropy event Wake ‘N Shake committee and marketing team as well as a warehouse employee at Royal Battery Distributors. After graduation, Jake will be joining the MS in Management Program at Southern Methodist University.