Marguerite Walk

Marguerite Walk is from New Orleans, LA and majored in Engineering with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Her decision to attend Wake Forest was influenced by her interest in regenerative medicine. At Wake Forest, she has had direct access to opportunities at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), which she is thankful for. Marguerite’s favorite Engineering memories are centered around the friends she made through the program. “The community we have amongst the Engineering community is unmatched even beyond the classroom,” she shares. Marguerite conducted research promoting vascularization in a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel environment using endothelial progenitor cells at the Center for Engineering Complex Tissue with the John Fisher Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Marguerite has also worked as a Consultant at the New Orleans BioInnovation Center. She performed analysis to brief clients on how to implement design strategy from ideation into commercialized products and services. She also worked as a Researcher and Developer where she administered the problem-solving design process to design, refine, and prototype vascularization models in the creation of functional complex tissues. Outside of engineering, Marguerite was a member of Chi Omega and served as a Discovering Education through Student Knowledge (D.E.S.K) leader and a teaching assistant. She was also the President and Co-Founder of Society of Women Engineers (SWE). “The enthusiasm and passion that was present when we founded the SWE club at Wake Forest was truly amazing. The creation of this section will always be my favorite accomplishment at Wake Forest because it provides a network and support team for all young Wake Forest engineers,” she shares. After graduation, Marguerite will be attending Georgetown University McDonough School of Business to pursue a Master of Science in Management.