Meredith Vaughn

Meredith Vaughn is from Greensboro, NC and is interested in civil engineering with a concentration in structural engineering. Meredith began the Engineering Program with the intention of focusing on biomedical engineering (BME) and after realizing BME was not the career she wanted to pursue, she was able to switch her concentration to civil engineering and prep accordingly for graduate school. Wake Forest University’s engineering program provided the flexibility that Meredith needed in order to change her concentration and follow her passions. She was a Structural Engineering Intern at SELECT Engineering PLLC. in Greensboro, NC during the summer of 2020 and will be returning to the same position for the summer of 2021! Her favorite Wake Engineering memory was the freshman year lunches during EGR 111 – it was because of these lunches that she was able to build strong connections with her peers.
Meredith was the Chief Recruitment Officer for the Zeta Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, President of Innuendo Co-Ed acapella group, and Treasurer for Women in STEM as well as Setting the Groove Tap Group. Along with this, she was a Founding Charter Member and Vice President of the WFU Section of Society of Women Engineers, a member of CHAARG, and served on the Dancer Relations Committee for Wake ‘N Shake. Meredith was able to study abroad at the WFU House: Casa Artom in Venice, Italy where she lived in an immersive cultural program located on the Grand Canal. From this experience, she was able to build a relationship with Save Venice Inc., an American non-profit that fundraises and organizes restoration and preservation for Venetian art and architecture. After graduation, Meredith will be joining the Laurea Magistrale Building and Architectural Engineering Program at the Politecnico di Milano at the Milano Leonardo campus.