Carlos Kengla

Carlos Kengla, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
Phone: 336.713.1329
Office: 455 Vine Street, Bldg 60 South, Room 2813
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Wake Forest University and Virginia Tech
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, North Carolina State University and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Dr. Kengla is a researcher at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine where he conducts research revolving around engineering tissues and organs. His research has included the use of bioprinting for engineering tissues such as cartilage, bone, the myotendinous interface, skin, and others. Dr. Kengla has also participated in and helped lead research utilizing other techniques to regenerate uterine, skeletal muscle, and osteochondral tissues. In addition, Dr. Kengla works on improving the bioprinting platform through enhancing biomaterials and hardware. The various projects also represent preclinical and clinical studies. Each tissue, biofabrication technique, and type of experiment presents unique sets of requirements. As an engineer, Dr. Kengla works to take these requirements, as well as research and clinical stakeholder needs, into the design process to produce deliverables with the highest chance for benefiting patient’s health.