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John Delucia

John Delucia is from Darien, CT and is graduating with a major in Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Computer Science. His time in Wake Forest Engineering has helped him to cultivate a passion for computer science and coding through projects he completed in Computational Modeling (EGR 312) and by developing an iOS App in Capstone Design (EGR 314). John’s capstone design project, the Interactive Museum Projection System, is creating an exhibit where visitors can interact with immersive digital environments by drawing/coloring pictures that can then come to life on a large-scale projection system. They are working under the guidance of their technical coaches Dr. Melissa Kenny and Dr. Lauren Lowman.  John also took a Software Engineer intern role at ByteSize Learning during 2021, developing online children’s games using HTML and CSS.

John’s favorite project at Wake Engineering has been his Capstone Project, where he took on the difficult task of learning to code in React Native a language he had never studied and has really enjoyed working with his teammates. John also took part in several extracurricular activities, such as tennis, wrestling, and the Hackathon while also being involved in his fraternity.

Post-Graduation, after completing a summer internship as Software Engineer at Credit Karma, John plans to attend the Whiting School of Engineering at John Hopkins University to complete a Masters in Computer Science.

Second Major, Minor, Concentration – Mathematics and Computer Science Minors

Internship(s) – ByteSized Learning

Leadership – Fraternity –

Other – Coding Challenges, Hackathon