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Thomas Aucamp

Thomas Aucamp is from Charlotte, NC and is interested in using the knowledge he has gained while in Wake Forest Engineering to help others, focusing on projects that have allowed him to benefit the community.  Thomas has spent his senior academic year as a member of the Bridge Design Project for Remote Communities under the guidance of Dr. Michael Gross and Dr. Tricia Clayton (Wake Forest Engineering).  He and his team have worked to design a suspended cable bridge that can cross a river in the community of Zombodze in Eswatini, Africa.  Outside of senior design, Thomas has worked as an industrial engineering intern for Nathan James, designing and programming a remote-controlled actuator gate control system.

In addition to his coursework, Thomas is a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and was elected as the Scholarship Chair.  He is also an active member of Wake for Warriors, acting as both the President, Vice-President, and secretary, and Wake ‘N Shake.  Thomas’s favorite course in Wake Forest Engineering was Transport Phenomena and his favorite memory was getting to know the other members of his capstone senior design team.

Thomas plans to work as technical solutions engineer at Epic after graduating from Wake Forest Engineering.

Second Major, Minor, Concentration – Mathematics, Economics

Internship(s) – Nathan James

Leadership – Wake for Warriors President, Vice-President, Secretary, Kappa Sigma Scholarship Chair

Other – Wake ‘N Shake