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Victoria Oduwa

Victoria Oduwa is from Memphis, TN and aspires to become a Software Engineer. As a Margin and Risk intern at BNP Paribas, she worked on multiple projects and contributed to  the master transaction agreement project between Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas to transfer Deutsche Bank’s Global Prime Finances and Electronic Equities to BNP Paribas.

Outside of academics, Victoria showcases her leadership through involvement in various programs on campus and outside of campus. She was directly selected by Wake Forest University as a core member of the Student Compact Committee to help design student life during the Covid-19 Pandemic. She also is   the student Co-chair of the Student Technology Accessibility Committee (STAC) where she led the connection between Wake Forest’s Information Systems (IS) and Wake’s student body for software testing and feedback of Wake Forest website updates, as well as testing of laptop models on the Wakeware market. Victoria was also a student representative of the Technology Accessibility Committee, a Committee with Wake’s Information Systems and administration. As a part of TAC, Victoria is the voice of the Wake Forest student body in ensuring equitable accessibility for the Wake Forest and Winston-Salem community. As a Magnolia scholar, Victoria is a mentor in the first in flight program, which is a student led club for Wake Forest first generation students.

Outside of Campus, Victoria is an alumna of the Correlation One’s highly selective Data Science for all/Empowerment program, where she was able to further extend and apply her Engineering skills in the Data Science and Engineering space. Victoria is also a level 2 certified Anaplan Model Builder.

She feels that “through guided research, lectures and hands-on practical labs, Wake Engineering taught me how to be resilient, hardworking, curious and to challenge myself beyond my limits.” After graduation, Victoria will work as a Software Engineer at BNP Paribas Prime Finance and Solutions under their Analyst and Associate Training Program (AATP).

  • major/minor:  Major in Engineering and a minor in Computer Science
  • Leadership: Member of the Student Compact Committee, student Co-Chair of STAC and student representative of TAC.
  • Other: studied abroad through the Eurotour Program. Visited six countries (Germany, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, England) and seven cities (Berlin, Paris, Prague, Salzburg, Vienna, Venice, London).