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Brayan Martinez Headshot

Brayan Martinez is from Charlotte, NC and majored in Engineering with a Computer science Minor. Wake Engineering allowed him to become immersed in various different fields of engineering through the multitude of courses in the department. Each class helped him build upon the fundamentals of what it means to be an engineer, to Brayan, this entails being able to adapt and see challenges with a different perspective regardless of what career field one is in. “An engineer is somewhat like an AI program, where we are shaped and formed to tackle engineering problems, but we also adapt and change as new information/data is given to us.” Brayan’s interest lies within software engineering and the engineering design process. He enjoys the process of seeing a product starting from an idea and coming to life while being able to thoroughly implement the engineering design process into every aspect of the product. Brayan’s favorite project during his time at WFU was the EGR 311 robot car project, this was one of his most favorable memories because he was able to program and build a working model of a robotic car from a basic idea all the way to actually being able to test it through an obstacle course.

Throughout his time at Wake Forest, Brayan interned as a Software Engineer at Red Ventures, worked at Ernst and Young as a Technology Advisory Intern, and worked at ViriCiti as a Data Science Intern. Outside of Engineering, Brayan was the President of Wake Forest’s Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS). After graduation, Brayan will be returning to Ernst and Young to work as a Technology Consultant.