Regan O’Donnell

Regan O’Donnell is from Cohasset, MA and is interested in biomedical engineering and the healthcare industry. She works best solving problems and tackling challenges in the fields that she enjoys. “I think the process of learning in engineering courses aligns well with my learning style and applying that to biomedical classes I am interested in has led me to learn more about the field and what I want to do upon graduating,” she shares. Regan’s favorite memories of Wake Engineering are centered around the community that was fostered with the small class sizes. The genuine camaraderie within the graduating class allowed for the students to work efficiently and successfully on assignments and projects together. She adds, “I think this has been really unique to the Engineering program compared to others at Wake Forest University and I am so grateful for the fun memories and friendships associated with our classes.”
During the summer of 2019, Regan worked as a Research and Development Intern at Boston Scientific. She worked on developing a new medical device in their endoscopy division that aimed to help with colon polyp removal. Working with a small team, Regan tested and iterated the prototype of the device with the goal of creating a version that would later be sent for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Outside of class, Regan was involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. She served as a University President’s Aide, on the Engineering Student Advisory Board, and as the secretary of the Society of Women Engineers. She was also a member of Delta Delta Delta and worked as an indoor cycling instructor at Cyclebar. After graduation, Regan will be joining Putnam Associates in Boston, MA as an Associate Consultant.