Trevor Taub

Trevor Taub is from Manhattan Beach, California and is interested in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and sustainability design. Wake Engineering has allowed him to cultivate these passions through discussions with faculty, his capstone project, and the environmental engineering technical elective. With the flexibility of the engineering program, Trevor was able to study abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark where he enrolled in various environmental science related courses such as Waste Management, Glaciers & Climate Change, Renewable Energy Systems, and more. Trevor is fascinated by environmental engineering and through his courses, he was able to pursue his passion in this area of study. Trevor’s favorite class in the Wake Engineering Program has been the Capstone course because he has thoroughly enjoyed dedicating his time to a project that fascinates him while working with a great team of peers and technical experts.
Trevor interned as a Product Analyst for Mythical Games in Sherman Oaks, CA. While there, he researched and created reports and graphics on a variety of video gaming sites, virtual item exchanges, and other in-game economics to be considered for future products. During his time at Wake Forest, he was an Acquisition Committee Co-Chair for Discovering Education through Student Knowledge (D.E.S.K) where he managed the committee responsible for contacting local stores and residents to acquire desks and other school supplies for children in Winston-Salem, NC. Along with this, he was also the host of a weekly Wake Radio show, where he played various genres of music and discussed current events. Trevor is uncertain of what he plans to do after graduation but is excited for what is to come in the future.